
Katlin Schipano, School Nurse

email Mrs. Schipano

603.895.2511 x420

Health Office Hours: 8:20am-3:30pm


when to stay home

When calling in a student who will be out sick, please give specific symptoms for your child being out, so that the nurse may follow up with you. State the nature of illness, including fever, cough, sore throat, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

When to keep Children Home from School

  • Fever of 100.0 degrees or higher. Must be fever free for 24hrs without medication (Tylenol or Advil).

  • Diarrhea and or vomiting. (must be free of these symptoms for 24hrs before returning)

  • Persistent sore throat

    • If a throat culture is taken, wait for the results BEFORE sending your child back to school. If your child has strep throat he/she should be on antibiotics for 24 hrs before returning to school as well as fever free for 24hrs without medication.

  • New/unknown rash

  • Red, itchy, gooey eyes (must remain out of school for 24hrs after treatment has begun for bacterial conjunctivitis)

  • Known head lice, until treatment is initiated and there is follow up with school nurse. Please notify the nurse if you suspect your child has head lice.


Parents must contact the school nurse regarding medications in school. Parents must deliver the medications to the nurse’s office and provide a written doctors order. (Please contact the school nurse for the correct form). Medication must be in original container and properly labeled from the pharmacy. Please read School Policy.


If your child has an injury and is treated by a physician, please send in a note stating the nature of the injury, what physical activity restrictions there are, and when the student is cleared to return to normal activity.


Physical exams and required immunization are required for enrollment to school. We encourage you to send updated physicals and immunizations as your child has them. Contact your physician and /or the school nurse if you have questions.

  • Each child must have written evidence of a complete physical examination within one year preceding first entry to school.

  • Additionally, each child shall have written evidence of a physical examination within one year before entry into seventh grade.

  • Any child being admitted to the District must present written documentation of meeting the then current New Hampshire immunization requirements.

  • Also 1 dose of Tdap is required for entry into 7th grade.


Prior to participation on a school athletic team, students must provide written documentation that they have passed a physical. Such exam must be completed at least once every school year.


Please contact the school nurse regarding any health issues your student may have, such as severe allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, and any other medical concerns. Some students with these issues may benefit from a 504 plan.


All Parents/guardians are required to provide current emergency contact information at the beginning of EVERY school year. Please fill out the Student Emergency Information sheet and return it to the school nurses office. If you have misplaced your form feel free to reach out to the nurse for an additional form. These are not the same forms as registering your student in teacherease.